HD2030.K1: 4-Channel Vibration Analyzer Kit


Data Logger 4-channel vibration analyser kit for IEPE accelerometers

The HD2030 is a portable vibration analyser able to perform spectral and statistical analysis. The instrument can supply all the measurement parameters required by the current normative concerning the operator’s protection from the risk connected with the vibrations and is able to measure in hand-arm and whole-body modes. It is also possible to evaluate the annoyance on persons due to vibration in buildings.
The HD2030 satisfies the specifications of standards ISO 8041:2005, ISO 5349-1:2001 (hand-arm vibrations) and ISO 2631-1, 2 and 4 1997 (whole-body vibrations). Octave and third octave filters satisfy class 1 specifications of IEC 61260 standard.



The instrument has been designed combining maximum flexibility and ease of use with the possibility to update the instrument according to the evolution of regulations concerning vibrations. The user can directly update the instrument firmware by means of the program Noise & Vibration Studio supplied with the instrument.
The HD2030 analyser simultaneously acquires the acceleration value in 4 channels and calculates, in parallel for all channels, both the weighted acceleration values and the octave or third-octave bands spectra. In addition to the instant and average acceleration values, the analyser also elaborates peak levels, vibration dose (VDV) and crest factors. The frequency weighting can be chosen freely according to the specific application.
The possibility to connect any type of accelerometer with integrated electronics (type IEPE or compatible), both triaxial and monoaxial, ensures the maximum ease of use and reduces the possibility of making mistakes or taking measures affected by electromagnetic interference or noise. The acquisition of the acceleration in 4 channels allows, for example, to make objective evaluation of the vibrations transmitted by a transportation way through to the driving seat or to evaluate, during the design and the production verification, the effectiveness of damping introduced by the suspension and by the absorbent material of the seat itself.
A versatile data logging function stores, both in the 8MB internal memory and in the memory card (SD up to 2GB), multiple profiles and spectra.
The kit includes:

  • HD2030 – vibration analyser
  • HD6188 – silicon grease
  • HD6273 – wax tray for accelerometers gluing
  • 080A90 – glue
  • HD2030MC – 32GB SD memory card
  • CP22 or HD2110CSNM – cable for connection to PC or RS232
  • manual and carrying case
  • ISO 9001 calibration report
  • Noise Studio software


  • Evaluation of the exposure of operators to the risk connected with the vibrations transmitted to the hand-arm system through vibrating tools or items subjected to vibrations or impacts.
  • Evaluation of the operator exposure to the risk connected with vibrations transmitted to the whole body also through the use of movement or transportation ways.
  • Evaluation of the operator exposure to the risk connected with vibrations transmitted to the whole body by buildings subjected to vibrations or impacts.
  • Octave or third-octave bands spectral analysis.
  • Statistical analysis with calculation of the percentile levels from L1 to L99
  • Attenuation of vibrations and reclamations.


HD2030.K1: 4-Channel Vibration Analyzer Kit Manual
HD2030.K1: 4-Channel Vibration Analyzer Kit Datasheet

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