Industrial Noise
IMMI for Calculating Industrial and Commercial Noise

Calculation of noise from industrial plants
IMMI facilitates the implementation of all current standards such as ISO 9613-2 or CNOSSOS-EU
As different as the existing industries in our world are, as diverse are the noise sources that can result from them. Building services installations, parking lots, loading processes, industrial plants, wind energy plants, public traffic, public address systems – the list can be extended ad infinitum.
From the calculation of a new supermarket according to TA Lärm, the assessment of sports or leisure facilities as well as the calculation and assessment of construction noise.
For almost all noise sources, IMMI offers supporting functions and tools to facilitate modeling.
Thus, the user interface allows even the inexperienced user to model different noise situations, from issues around neighborhood noise to the creation of noise maps of large industrial plants.
Traffic Noise
IMMI for Calculating Traffic and Rail Noise

Calculation of traffic noise
IMMI is ideally suited for the calculation of traffic noise according to national standards and is convenient to use for structural planning according to EU-Directive 2002/49/EC – CNOSSOS-EU
Probably no other type of noise affects as many people as traffic noise, especially road traffic noise. The extent of the noise sources and the fact that the guideline values are on average 5 dB higher than for industrial noise in specific countries means that traffic routes have a large radius of impact.
IMMI is best suited for the calculation of traffic noise and application urban land use planning according to international standard.
Whether road, rail or waterway, we have mastered all traffic routes and this for almost all country-specific regulations.
Especially in the planning of new traffic routes, IMMI can demonstrate its strengths: the fast calculation of large-scale models, the comparison of different variants, the input assistance for emission values or the automated height calculation of noise barriers – to name only a few advantages.
Indoor Noise
IMMI for Calculating Noise in Working Areas

Calculation of noise in a working area
IMMI allows for the calculation of noise in work places and supports room acoustic design according to DIN 18041
The physiological and psychological impact of noise at work is one of the major causes of occupational illnesses. This makes the targeted planning of noise reduction measures in the planning phase of working rooms all the more important.
The Indoor Module is ideally suited for the Analysis of the noise situation in workspaces.
Our Indoor Noise Module, which is available to all IMMI users free of charge, supports you in this area. As an addition to the geometric sound propagation model, you receive an easy-to-use tool for room acoustic design based on DIN 18041.
The module is ideally suited for the analysis of the noise situation in factory buildings and for the determination of the sound propagation (SAK) according to VDI 3760.
Aircraft Noise
IMMI for Calculating Aircraft Noise
IMMI’s aircraft noise module was developed specifically for the requirements of aircraft noise prediction
The noise characteristics of aircraft noise cause short but high level peaks, which can cause sleep disturbances for affected residents in the vicinity of airports. IMMI meets the requirements of the German Federal Environment Agency for a program for the calculation of noise protection areas at airports according to ECAC.CEAC.Doc. 29.

Determination of day and night protection zones
Features of the Aircraft Noise Module
- Support of German (AzB 2008, VBUF, DIN 45684-1, BUF) and European (ECAC. CEAC. Doc. 29 2nd and Directive EU 2015/996 (CNOSSOS-EU-Adaptation) rules and regulations
- Calculation of the equivalent continuous sound levels for day (LAeq, day) and night (LAeq, night) as well as the calculation of the frequency-maximum level criterion NAT (Lp, Schw) and the wake-up frequency Nawr (DLR study) at immission points and in the grid
- Modeling according to the DES data acquisition system
- Import/Export via QSI interface according to DIN 45687
- Emissions database of all aircraft classes (AzB 1975+1983+1999, DIN 45684-1, ECAC.CEAC Doc 29 3rd Edition, BUF) with APU application and taxiing traffic
- Determination of the day protection zones 1 and 2 and the night protection zone according to the law on protection against aircraft noise
- Import and evaluation of radar data (FANOMOS) and immission calculations from radar recordings
Noise Mapping
Noise mapping according to directive 2015/996 with IMMI (CNOSSOS-EU)
Noise mapping, exposure analysis, and action plans – IMMI is just the right software for these challenging tasks
The issue of noise emissions and immissions plays an important role in urban planning processes. You can use IMMI’s full range of features for corresponding investigations: the import of GIS data sets, automated segmented calculation in the network, the creation of calculation lists for comparison of different variants or exposure analyses.
Probably the most challenging task is noise mapping according to the EU directive. IMMI has been and still is used successfully in numerous projects: whether for a city like Berlin, federal states like Bavaria or Baden-Württemberg, or for counties in the UK.

Strategic noise mapping according to guideline 2002/49/EC
Noise mapping according Directive (EU) 2021/1226 for road traffic noise, railway noise, industrial noise and aircraft noise (CNOSSOS-EU)
According to CNOSSOS-EU with national implementation all over Europe
Throughout the EU according to national regulations
In Germany, in accordance with the requirements of the noise mapping regulation (34. BImSchV) combined with §§ 47 a-f BImSchG
The calculation of strategic noise maps for the noise indicators LDEN and LNight is carried out in 10 m increments and at a height of 4 m, separately for each type of noise. The exposure analysis for evaluation of the affected persons according to directive 2015/996 is realized by calculating facade levels. The performance features multicore, segmented calculation, and ACC – distributing the calculation in the network – are for the calculation of noise maps and facade levels on any number of computers ensuring short computing times.
Noise action plans
With noise action plans, cities and municipalities have a considerable influence on the reduction of road traffic noise. For noise action plans, we determine hot spots, develop reduction concepts in close collaboration with the planning committees, demonstrate the effectiveness of measures, plan quiet areas and provide support in reporting to the EU.
Air Pollutants
IMMI for the calculation of air pollutants according to TA Luft 2021

With the pollutant module, you can calculate the dispersion of gases, dusts and odours in a quality-assured, compliant and smooth manner
Air quality is directly related to human well-being. Despite positive trends, some air pollutants such as NO2 and PM10 still exceed the applicable limit values for the protection of human health. This makes it all the more important to have a reliable tool for modelling air pollutant distributions in order to calculate the dispersion of gases, odours and dusts.
IMMI provides the current dispersion model – AUSTAL – for this purpose. On 14 September 2021, the new Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft) were published in the Joint Ministerial Gazette, No. 48-54. Permitting procedures must therefore be carried out in accordance with the new TA Luft from 1 December 2021.
For this purpose, the Federal Environment Agency provides the reference implementation AUSTAL as a calculation kernel, which is fully available for calculations as of IMMI 2021 Update 01.
It can be used to carry out a large number of immission control tasks such as pollutant dispersion in quarries, open-cast mines, construction waste recycling plants, biogas plants, plants for the production of wood pellets or odour immission forecasts in the vicinity of livestock facilities.
Thanks to these advantages, the calculation of air pollutants with IMMI succeeds safely and smoothly
- Intuitive user interface for easy use of the AUSTAL calculation kernel
- Dispersion calculations according to Annex 2 of TA Luft 2021
- Calculation of a total of 74 pollutants – gases, dusts and odours
- Plume superelevation with three-dimensional superelevation model PLURIS
- Implementation of meteorological boundary layer profiles according to VDI 3783, Sheet 8 (2017)
- Precipitation intensity as time series calculation – calculation of wet deposition
- Databases for managing meteorological data – Annual statistics and time series
- Graphical representation of the roughness length using the roughness cadastre LBM-DE2012
- Fast calculation via multicore and nested computational networks
- Graphical and tabular output of input and output data (results)
- Calculations with the Gaussian plume model according to TA Luft 1986 and ÖNORM M 9440 as well as according to AUSTAL2000 (TA Luft 2002) round off the application possibilities of IMMI around pollutants.

Meteorological data in the form of a wind rose

Representation of soil roughness in IMMI
PV Glare Effects
IMMI for calculating the glare effect of photovoltaic systems
With the programme package you can calculate the glare of solar plants, PV plants or other glare objects according to the German Federal Immission Control Act (Bundesimmissionschutzgesetz)
Solar rays on PV systems can cause reflections and these can lead to dangerous glare. This impairs the safety of road users, especially in road traffic. In order to minimise this danger, the legislator stipulates that the glare effect of installations must be kept as low as possible structurally – this applies above all to solar installations that are often built near interurban roads.
With the IMMI programme package for calculating the glare effect, you are given the opportunity to calculate and test various measures for minimising the glare effect as early as the construction planning stage for such installations. IMMI also makes it just as easy to optimise the glare effect of existing installations.

Photovoltaic system along a road. IMMI can be used to calculate the glare effect of an existing or planned PV system in order to test minimisation measures.
Screenshot of the 3D representation in IMMI.
That is why the calculation of the glare effect with IMMI succeeds smoothly
- Intuitive user interface with numerous import interfaces (DXF, ASCII, ArcGIS, OSM, XML, …) and online map server for background images for the creation of the 3D model.
- Modelling of terrain and solar modules – manually or by importing data
- Creation of immission locations (example: eye level of car/truck drivers) manually or by means of macros (automated)
- Creation of variant scenarios for easy comparison of existing or planned measures (hedges, walls)
- Tabular and graphical output of all input data and calculation results
- Calculation of total glare duration in minutes, number of glare days, average glare duration in minutes, day of maximum glare, maximum glare duration in minutes, first and last glare time and day of first and last glare
- Detailed day-by-day listing of the results, e.g. when glare days are to be expected at the respective immission location
- Display of the angle between sun and reflector: shows the angle between sun and reflected sun at the respective module
- Each solar module shows the number of glare minutes for individual measures
- 3D display