Dynamic Simulation System
The DSS is a platform that runs the suite of dynamic, real-time process models, maximizing customer value by delivering a cost-effective, intuitive, high-fidelity solution.
Performance Scoring Utility
PSU provides comprehensive and objective trainee evaluation data and allows instructors to monitor and track operator performance and progress
3D Equipment Tutorials
Animated 3D equipment tutorials to teach process fundamentals.
Virtual Training Environment
The Virtual training environment allows you to teach and reinforce the ability to read and interpret process information and improve the level of process knowledge.
VTE provide learners with a 3D learning environment.
SIMTRONICS Training Exercise Library
SIMTEC is the integration of generic simulation into learning and development activities that support process operations. SIMTEC helps users of the Simtronics DSS Dynamic Simulator System with a library of 250+ training exercises, which are rated by degree of difficulty.
Training Workbooks
These workbooks use a layered approach that combines hands-on exercises with application of knowledge and theory to ensure competency achievment.
Process Models
100+ process models available in both english and metric engineering units for all levels of training: From level of college degree programs all the way up to highly experienced operators and technicians.
The VFO is an interactive 3D virtual plant developed to help your trainees visualize and understand the actual plant.
VFO Available
Refining Series
SPM-320 Oil Blending System
SPM-330 Product Blending System
SPM-720 Advanced Distillation*
SPM-730 Advanced Flare System
SPM-750 Advanced Distillation w/MEM
SPM-2400 Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU)* SPM-2500 Atmospheric Distillation Unit (ADU]* SPM-2600 Vacuum Distillation Unit (VDU)*
SPM-2700 Atmospheric/Vacuum Crude Units (ADU/DU*
SPM-2800 Delayed Coking Unit*
SPM-2900 Hydrodesulfurization Unit (HDS)*
SPM-2910 Catalytic Reformer
SPM-2920 Renewable Diesel Hydrotreater
Chemicals Series
SPM-2000 Batch Reactor*
SPM-2010 Multipurpose Batch Reactor*
SPM-2100 Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTRJ-SPM-2110 CST with Tank Farm
SPM-2200 Tubular Reactor*
SPM-2300 Fixed Bed Reactor*
SPM-7000 Hydrogen Plant
SPM-7010 Hydrogen Plant w/CCS
SPM-8300 Air Separation Plant
Power Generation Series
SPM-5000 Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG-SPM-5100 Steam Turbine with Generator*
SPM-5110 Generator
SPM-5200 Gas Turbine with Generator*
SPM-5300 Condenser with Cooling Tower*
SPM-5400 Boiler Feedwater System (BFW*
SPM-5500 Thermal Power Plant
SPM-5600 Combined Cycle Power Plant*
Upstream Series
SPM-3000 Gas Oil Separation Process (GOSP)
SPM-3010 Advanced GOSP*
SPM-3020 Three Phase Separator
SPM-3030 Gas Dehydration Unit*
SPM-3040 Advanced GOSP & Gas Dehydration Unit*
SPM-3050 Tank Battery
SPM-3060 Crude Oil Stabilizer
SPM-3070 Gas Terminal
SPM-3080 Oil Terminal
SPM-3100 Amine Treating Unit*
SPM-3200 Sulfur Recovery Unit
SPM-3300 Sulfur Plant
SPM-3400 LNG Plant
SPM-3410 LNG Regasification Plant
SPM-3520 Dew Point Control Unit (DPCU)
SPM-3800 GTL Plant
Midstream Series
SPM-3500 NGL Recovery Unit*
SPM-3510 Turbo Expander
SPM-3530 Gas Compression Plant
SPM-3600 LPG Unit*
SPM-3610 LPG Unit lI
SPM-3700 NGL Plant*
SPM-3900 Liquid Pipeline
SPM-3910 Gas Pipeline Green Energy Series
SPM-4000 Biomass Fermentation*
SPM-4100 Ethanol Distillation*
SPM-4200 Ethanol Plant*
SPM-4300 Hydrogen Electrolyzer Pharmaceutical Series
SPM-2020 Pharmaceutical Batch Reactor*
Refrigeration Series
SPM-8000 Refrigerant Chiller
SPM-8010 Single Stage Refrigeration System
SPM-8020 Propane Refrigeration System
SPM-8030 Ammonia Refrigeration System Water and Wastewater Series
SPM-6000 Multi-Stage Flash Evaporator (MSF)
SPM-6010 Advanced MSF*
SPM-6100 Reverse Osmosis Unit (RO)*
SPM-6110 ROw/Sea Water Pre Treating Unit*
SPM-6120 Dissolved Air Flotation Unit
SPM-6200 Potable Water Plant
SPM-6300 Wastewater Treatment Plant
SPM-6400 Oily Water System Mining, Cement and Pulp & Paper Series
SPM-8100 Ball Mill
SPM-8200 Rotary Kiln
Process Fundamental Series
SPM-100 Tank System*
SPM-110 Pump and Tank System*
SPM-200 Pumping System*
SPM-300 Mix Tank*
SPM-310 Blending Tank*
SPM-400 Heat Exchanger*
SPM-500 Flash Tank*
SPM-600 Unit Operations*
SPM-610 Total Trainer
SPM-700 Distillation’
SPM-740 Desalter
SPM-760 Condensate Stabilizer
SPM-800 Centrifugal Pump*
SPM-900 Condenser *
SPM-910 Reboiler*
Utility Series
SPM-1000 Air Cooler
SPM-1010 Cooling Tower*
SPM-1200 Natural Draft Fired Heater*
SPM-1210 Natural Draft Fired Heater w/o Interlocks
SPM-1220 Advanced Fired Heater
SPM-1230 Hot Oil System
SPM-1300 Reciprocating Compressor*
SPM-1400 Centrifugal Compressor*
SPM-1410 Steam Turbine
SPM-1500 Superheated Steam Boiler*
Instrumentation Series
SPM-1100 Instrumentation I: Process Characteristics*
SPM-1600 Instrumentation II: Basic Control Concepts
SPM-1700 Instrumentation III: Multi-Element Control
SPM-1800 Instrumentation IV: pH Control
SPM-1900 Instrumentation V; 3-Element BFW Control Physical Unit Series
CPM-200 Advanced Process Trainer
CPM-300 Polaris Operations Training Unit*
CPM-400 Polaris Givcol Fractionation Unit*
SPM-610 Total Trainer
SPM-1510 Advanced Utility Boiler