Gas and Steam Turbines
Powerful Noise Reduction

Our noise protection for gas- and steam-turbine power systems and for air-separation systems
FAIST sound insulation cabins for power plants are multifunctional. Using the latest technology, they lower the noise level of power plants to the legally-stipulated acoustic level. Our products are custom-fit to your gas turbines, steam turbines, diesel engines and ancillary units. If needed, systems can be designed in which each noise protection element can be disassembled anywhere in your power plant to ensure smooth replacement of larger components and significant time saving in routine maintenance work.
When planning your system we take into account sufficient cabin ventilation under all meteorological conditions, as well as accurate dimensioning of silencers. Our long-standing experience in noise protection for power plants has allowed us to develop a sound proofing system that will certainly fulfill your high requirements.
It is good to know that FAIST sound proofing systems are planned in 3D. Even in the planning phase, our flexibility will win you over and you can easily perform clash detection in your overall model.

Our product range compromises more than only enclosures for gas and steam turbines. FAIST sound proofing cabins are also used around the world as generator and exhaust enclosures.

FAIST provides a wide variety of skids and packages such as the Lube Oil Package, the Gas Module and theWater Injection Module. We top off our offering with custom-tailored sound proofing walls for safeguarding the acoustic requirements of your entire facility.
Ventilation and Sound Silencers

Sound proofing hoods for gas turbines also require ventilation specifically designed for this equipment. Whether under- or overpressure concept – we design the ventilation for your gas turbines in accordance with your individual acoustic requirements, as well as with regard to waste heat which has to be dissipated. We deliver the appropriate instrumentation and control equipment as well as the ventilation ducts and required silencers.
Compact Packages
Becoming a Quiet Neighbor
Our sound-insulating Compact Packages for small power stations
As operator of a power station in the lower power range, our Compact Packages are the classic sound-insulating solution for you. This sound proofing system is installed into your small power station within three workdays. All components are pre-assembled on our premises, and the mechanical inspection test of the sound-insulating hood and filter house also take place at FAIST. The already installed connections for gas and fresh-air supply allow for quick and uncomplicated start-up. Ventilation is customized to the small power station and optimized with regard to sound insulation and lowest possible pressure loss.
Clean room requirements

Clean room requirements apply in the area between filter house and sound proofing hood. This reduces the hazard of soiling and the resulting damage to a minimum.
Safety requirements

Your requirements where safety is concerned are the law as far as we are concerned. We use only explosion-proof components for our sound-insulating Compact Packages. Benefit from our experience and know-how in sound insulation for small power plants – contact us for a non-binding consultation.
Noise Protection Using Sound Insulation at Cogerataion Plants

Cogeneration plants can be environmentally-friendly also at a high overall equipment effectiveness. Generating electrical energy and heat in combination improves overall equipment effectiveness of cogeneration plants up to 90%. This concept incorporates our compact sound proofing cabin for noise protection of cogeneration plants while acting as a heat-insulating hood at the same time.
The design layout involves meeting the different requirements for noise protection of cogeneration plants:
- Accesibility
- Demountability
- Sufficient ventilation
- Vibration insulation
- Acoustic optimization
Based on ambient conditions and the frequency spectrum of individual components, our technicians define the acoustic hardware components. We work out an environmentally-friendly and economical solution for the noise protection of your cogeneration plant.
As your partner in noise protection for cogeneration plants, FAIST guarantees smooth progress of the project. In the preparatory stage our sales and distribution, together with the customer, will work out a solution tailored to your boundary conditions for the sound insulation of your cogeneration plant.
Once assigned, this soundproofing concept is seamlessly submitted to our Project Management/Engineering Department, which will implement the results with regard to noise protection at the cogeneration plant and carry out the project in close coordination with the customer.
After the production of the soundproofing components for the cogeneration plant (soundproofing elements in steel construction, sheet metal construction, silencers, ventilation), they are professionally packaged and shipped. Noise protection for cogeneration plants is set up on site by our competent assembly teams.
Printing Industry
With High Pressure For Less Noise

Acoustic Systems for the printing industry
We provide sound- and noise-protection solutions oriented to the high demands of your print shop. Whether job work, intaglio or newspaper print, FAIST ensures workplace optimization in all areas of your company.
Continuous development of noise protection and implementation of innovative ideas have made us the leading company for print shops worldwide. Individually planned sound proofing, transparency, color, ventilation and lighting – our flexible standard construction system for sound and noise protection precisely fulfills your requirements.
It is good to know that the statutory maximum sound level at workplaces in print shops according to VBG 121 stands at 83 dB(A). Many print shops have already determined a maximum sound level of under 70 dB(A).
Noise protection in job printing: high performance – low noise

The partly very high speeds in job printing enable you to achieve enormous production performance. High noise exposure for persons at the machine makes customized noise protection especially important. Our sound- and noise-protection facilities provide your employees in job printing with an ideal work environment.
The statutory maximum acoustic level for workplaces in print shops according to VBG 121 is at 83 dB(A) for job printing. For noise levels of max. 83 dB(A) no verifiable hearing damage is to be expected, but many print shops have decided that sound levels of under 70 dB(A), including for job printing, is the proper level.
In planning our sound-proofing systems and noise-protection facilities for print shops, our focus is on people and their performance. With innovative sound-protection and noise-protection concepts for print shops, FAIST has traveled new paths and will continue to pursue them in order to provide people with an optimum work environment in the print industry and paper industry.
Come with us.
Noise protection in newspaper printing – the control center solution.

By setting up the control console in its own, noise-protected control station, newspaper print shops are optimally noise protected. We drastically reduce the legally stipulated sound level of under 70 dB(A) with our products. FAIST control centers achieve conditions which often are not available in offices: sound level of under 60 dB(A) in direct proximity to folding units, approx. 110 dB(A) near four-high towers. A highly absorbent acoustic wall cladding reduces sound level in the printing hall by 6 to 10 dB, for an improved acoustic environment and reduction in noise at the workplace and outside.
Paper Industry
On The Same Board As Your Employees

Our sound protection for the corrugated cardboard and paper industry
Rely on forward-looking and effective sound-insulating concepts for your organization with FAIST’s comprehensive program. Our noise control facilities guarantee you the values stipulated for the corrugated industry under EC Directive Noise DIN EN 13023.
Corrugators, laminating units, cutting and creasing station as well as guillotine and edge-trim exhauster – we include all relevant sources of noise in your corrugators and processing area. All aggregates can be individually or collectively enclosed, for instance with a hall-high wall.
As an operator, you will benefit from complete noise-protection enclosure of your machines using sound-insulating cabins and control centers for an employee-friendly acoustic level and clean air in your factory work shop.
Highest planning accuracy

Our noise control for extensively detailed laminating units is a prime example. Our concepts are always perfectly in line with your operational procedures – in this case with the purposeful incorporation of the brake- and sheet-run regulating station into the cabin.
We also deliver well-designed noise control for your entire dryend, made necessary by high sound levels at cutting and creasing machines, at the guillotine and at the edge-trim exhauster.
We would be glad to provide you with a quote for sound insulating your processing machines.
Perfect form, perfect function
Our sound-proofing cabins also appeal to the eye with high-grade powder coating, tactical use of safety glass and individually arranged doors and sliding doors for selective transparency, comfortable operation of the machine and simple handling of paper webs.
Well-designed ventilation
FAIST optimally coordinates supply and exhaust air for extraction of humid and warm air from the cabins, thus ensuring the high quality of your corrugated cardboard. We also provide optional filter systems and heat recovery.
Best working conditions
Our Operator cabins feature good visibility, screen-suitable lighting and pleasant climate control for your employees. The conductive double flooring panels enable concealed cable laying. Two-story cabins for use as office, IT or storage room are also part of our product range.
Additional acoustic installations
Choose acoustically effective installations from FAIST for improved acoustics and noise-protection in your production hall. We reduce background noise level by up to 5 dB(A) with our absorbent wall and ceiling claddings. It makes sense to plan these absorption surfaces into design prior to starting – we would be pleased to advise you.
Machine Building
Build On A Quiet Workplace Climate
Acoustic Systems for machine building

We provide planning and production of complete noise protection for your machine-building area. Whether with our standardized STB system or special designs for machines which are integrated into production facilities or used as partial enclosures, our products ensure a safe, noise- and stress-free workplace climate at your organization.
- Machining centers
- Packaging
- Plastics
- Concrete blocks
- Building material machinery
- Foundry/blasting plant
- Metallurgical plants/roller mill
- Timber industry
- Grinding cabin
- Shredders and mills
Our noise protection – the comprehensive product range, for instance for
- Machining centers
Your powerful milling machines need powerful noise protection. We plan, design and produce sound proofing systems for milling machines with five or more CNC-controlled axles. In addition to standardized solutions we provide you with custom-tailored turnkey sound-insulating equipment for machining centers, precisely sized for your machines, production and needs. We are glad to personally advise you on noise-protection concepts for your machining tasks.
- Machines for packaging production
We provide you with solutions that are as individual as your packaging and your machines. Whether integrated to the machine or as casing – FAIST provides noise protection with high quality standards. Of course in compliance with legally stipulated noise-protection values, often even falling below them with the use of our products. Other advantages include a small footprint and maximum service and maintenance friendliness.
- The noise protection in plastics production
Plastics production, plastics processing, plastics treatment and plastics recycling: We are your reliable partner for noise protection and sound insulating of your machines – with customized solutions for your organization. We have got a grip on all of your requirements: ventilation and exhaust for appropriate heat dissipation, modular design to easily move sound-proofing cabins when relocating your machines, as well as openings, flaps, doors and gates for optimum access.
- The noise protection for the concrete products industry
You operate complete production lines with metering and mixing equipment or simple transport systems. We will plan, manufacture and assemble turnkey sound-insulating systems for you. Our customized solutions do not only take into account sound protection but also protection against vibration and other technical aspects. Beyond that, we highly value accessibility, transparency, ventilation, lighting and design adapted to your needs.
- The noise protection for building material machinery
The enormous noise exposure caused by your building material machinery does not allow for unprotected working in the immediate vicinity. We design ergonomically and acoustically adapted sound proofing systems equipment which prevent
noise of individual subassemblies, machines and assembly lines on your factory work floor from spreading. Moreover we guarantee the safety of your employees along with a smooth implementation into your daily production.
- The noise protection for foundry/blasting plants
We design and create complete sound-insulating equipment for machines for melting, holding and casting of metals and metallurgic treatments. Our sound proofing solutions fulfill all requirements for heat resistance and prevent heat accumulation via defined ventilation ducts within the cabin, protecting against flying sparks and dust emission in your production hall.
- The noise protection for metallurgical plants and roller mills
The basis of our efficient sound proofing for machines in metallurgical plants and roller mills is an intelligent noise-reduction program. And we plan the measures most effectively for you, such as noise-protection barriers at the scrapyard, billet yard and facade of the steelworks and roller mill, as well as noise-protection measures at the furnace and casting bay. Electronic and automatically closing rolling gates, for example, can provide additional noise protection measures. When making new investments, you should have our sound insulation built directly into the machine.
- The noise protection for timber-industry facilities
We see to the complete sound insulation of your facilities and machines for producing wood-based panels such as chipboards, fiberboards (MDF, HDF), OSB and CSL boards. We see the big picture – systems for wood preparation, glue application and drying are upstream of sound insulation, while those for sanding, storing, parceling and shipping of raw panels are downstream. As a special solution for ventilating chip extraction and sound damping at interfaces, we provide you with silencers, lift gates and containment curtains.
- The noise protection for grinding cabins
Grinding work generates very high noise emissions which pose a considerable hazard to your employees. Our FAIST Element system allows us to reduce various sources of noise down to a minimum. Thanks to our longstanding experience in sound-proofing systems we have developed a system that can be easily and cost-effectively assembled and disassembled. Of course, we customize our system to your individual needs.
- The noise protection for shredders and mills
We provide you with efficient sound proofing systems for powerful shredding machines – standardized solutions such as custom-tailored, turnkey noise-protection facilities. They all are precisely tailored to your production and your needs. FAIST manufactures products for different types of equipment:
– granulators – for comminution of materials with high proportion of foreign particles
– shredders, mills and grinding mills – for all plastics-processing waste such as generated by injection molding, blow molding, extrusion and all other processing types
– specialized mills – for panels, pipes and profiles
Control Centers

Control centers and control cabins with FAIST Acoustic Systems
As a specialist for noise protection at the workplace, we supply control centers, sound-insulating control rooms and control cabinets for all industrial applications. The key facts at a glance:
- Our noise proofing elements achieve a noise-reduction value (Rw) of between 36 dB and 50 dB.
- You determine the individual measurements and fixtures – the amount of glazing and doors, electric equipment, climate control and ventilation, as well as interior and exterior color.
- Stairways, platforms and railings guarantee uncomplicated incorporation into your existing infrastructure.
- Swing doors and sliding doors and, if needed, special solutions provide access options.
- For wall structures we take your specific requirements into consideration.
- When setting up a platform the steel substructure meets static requirements.
- We can assemble at your company, at short notice and reliably.
- Another option: Depending on size, we preassemble your control center at our plant. You can then immediately put it into operation in your production hall.
- Double and multistory control centers, as well as inclined and large surface glazings are also possible.
Tile And Ceramic Industry
Quality In Dry Towels
Our drying equipment, holding furnace and preheaters for the tile and ceramic industry
We supply many well-designed products for the ceramics industry: drying equipment (compartment dryers and continuous dryers), holding furnaces and preheaters, dryer doors, installations such as slot-nozzle walls and movable blower walls, as well as trimming racks.
Our dryers fulfill the high mechanical and chemical requirements of the ceramic industry – temperatures of up to 300°C and at times up to 100% humidity.
We produce equipment which meets the highest quality standards with regard to corrosion protection, steam impermeability and service life. We employ only high-grade materials: galvanized metal, a combination of zinc and aluminum, as well as stainless steel. A coating of several layers is applied in our in-house powder-coating facility under ISO 12 944 C2-C5. We can thus guarantee you excellent surface quality with high mechanical strength. We furthermore put a premium on maximum environmental protection.