For larger 3 dimensional environments
Depending on a signal’s spectral composition, the recommended measurement distance varies between 0.5 and 25 meters. Longer ranges are possible for measurements in considerably higher frequency ranges. The wiring of the microphones is enclosed in and protected by the array body which guarantees the best possible acoustic transparency to measure accurate sound levels.
The array design is optimized to provide the highest spatial resolution as well as map dynamic, possible given the number of microphones used. Additionally, the array design effectively minimizes partial reflections, sound pressure doubling effects on the surface, and resonance effects between the measured object and the array. Furthermore, the sphere geometry minimizes aliasing effects. As this microphone array acts omnidirectional, the beamforming results are normally mapped on a scanned 3D point cloud or 3D CAD model of the measurement object, to be imported in the NoiseImage software.
The built-in studio microphones have an extremely linear frequency response. All are carefully hand-selected and calibrated to ensure stable sound pressure levels (+/- 0.5 dB). To allow long distances, the array is connected to the data recorder via differential SymBus microphone connector cables (max. 20 m). The array comes with an integrated fixed focus USB camera. The included high-end Manfrotto tripod allows a set up in almost any measurement environment imaginable. Array and tripod are supplied in a transport case and bag respectively.