Customizable to your needs
This data-recording device was developed especially for use with the Acoustic Camera. It facilitates high sampling frequencies and high numbers of channels.
In addition to the microphone signals, other parameters can be recorded in analog or digital format. The distinguishing feature of this data recorder is the scalability of the microphone channel number and the interface. The data recorder is equipped with a wide-range AC power supply that allows operation around the world (from 90 to 240 V).
Parallel operation of multiple arrays is possible as well as the ability to operate parallel mcdRec´s.
- Low noise
- Extremely high sampling rate
- Extensive EMI shielding
- Upgradable card interface system
- Plug-and-go interface for peripheral devices
- Ethernet-CPU
- 9 cPCI slots
- GBit LAN external data transfer
- Fast and reliable
Measurement Cards for mcdRec
For analog and digital sensors.
All measurement cards are developed in-house and especially designed to fulfil the needs of sound measurements and acoustic imaging. All analogue and digital measurement cards allow high-precision signal recording. Contact us to discuss the ideal configuration for your measurement task.

The ADC114MLN is a low power 3U 4HP cPCI slot-in card that has been developed mainly for the connection of microphone arrays to the mcdRec data-recorder. Its 24 channels have a 100 % pure differential signal path from the input connector to the 5th-order multi-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital-converters ensuring extraordinary immunity against disturbances being coupled into the cables.
12 contacts of the MDR68 front connector are for sensor supply. Furthermore 0 V, 5 V, 12 V and a switchable 0 V contact support any power supply requirements. /DETECT checks for plugged sensors and an optically decoupled serial interface is used to communicate with self-describing sensors. Concurrent capabilities allow high-channel recording with many cards (1,5 GB onboard RAM) and longtime streaming. Results of the factory-calibration are stored in a non-volatile memory and used for compensation while measuring.

The ADC102A10B is a low noise 3U 4HP cPCI slot-in card with automatic offset-calibration, offering 12 symmetrical ± 20 V inputs for many kinds of voltage-output sensors. All its channels have a 100 % pure differential signal path from the input connector to the advanced multi-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital-converters ensuring extraordinary immunity against disturbances being coupled into the cables. 12 contacts of the MDR68 front connector are for sensor supply.
Furthermore 0 V, 5 V, 12 V and a switchable 0 V contact support any power supply requirements. /DETECT checks for plugged sensors and an optically decoupled serial interface is used to communicate with self-describing sensors. Concurrent capabilities allow for high-channel recording with many cards (1,5 GB onboard RAM) and longtime streaming. Results of the factory-calibration are stored in a non-volatile memory and used for compensation while measuring.

The DDC102RC is a low power high-speed 3U 4HP digital measurement cPCI slot-in card for the mcdRec data-recorder. Its 12 channels can be connected to single ended as well as differential signals (preferred) ensuring extraordinary immunity against disturbances. 6 contacts of the MDR36 front connector are for sensor supply.
Furthermore 0 V and 5 V contacts are also available. /DETECT checks for plugged sensors and an optically decoupled serial interface is used to communicate with self-describing sensors. Concurrent capabilities allow for high-channel recording with many cards (1,5 GB onboard RAM) and longtime streaming. Configuration-data is stored in a non-volatile memory. The upper front connector carries an RS-485 interface and a set of triggers. It can be used for remote-control and synchronization between two or more systems.

The ICDC101 is a low noise 3U 4HP cPCI slot-in card with automatic offset-calibration, offering 4 ultra-wide dynamic 1 V to 23 V inputs for the common 2…20 mA current supplied sensors better known by their registered trademarks ICP®, DeltaTron®, Isotron® and Piezotron®.
Each of the 4 ICDC101 channels utilizes a combination of two advanced multi-bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital-converter channels to achieve an overall A/D-resolution of 30 bit for outstanding 131 dB(A) dynamic. Concurrent capabilities allow for high-channel recording with many cards (1,5 GB onboard RAM) and longtime streaming. Results of the factory-gain-calibration are stored in a non-volatile memory and used for compensation while measuring.