Among other things, the operational area of the measuring system includes:
- Test setup for mufflers (suitable for application in the laboratory as well)
- Measurement of the spectral transmission loss of silencers and mufflers at high temperatures in a transmission tube
- Application of measurement data as input parameters for calculating the spectral transmission loss and the spectral insertion loss of complete systems of silencers and mufflers by means of the analysis software AcoustiCalc® Silencer (consideration of peripheral components, e. g. installation of a measured muffler within a complete exhaust system)
- Application of measuring device as impedance tube

Calculation of acoustic efficiency of a muffler that was evaluated by the measuring system AcoustiTube® HighTemp within a complete exhaust system by means of the muffler software AcoustiCalc® Silencer
The test setup for mufflers and silencers is supported by the analysis software AcoustiStudio – Module Sound Transmission.
- Applicaton of the Two Source Method with 4 microphones for determining the transmission loss and the transfer matrix of silencers and mufflers as a function of frequency
- Alternative applicaton of the Two Load Method with 4 microphones for determining the transmission loss and the transfer matrix of silencers and mufflers
- Alternative measurement of transmission loss of silencers and mufflers according to DIN EN ISO 11820
- Comfortable storage and management of measurement data in database system
- Direct comparison of measurement results with simulation results of the muffler software AcoustiCalc® Silencer
- Calculation of third octave band spectra, octave band spectra and average values.

Software for test setup of mufflers and silencers AcoustiTube® HighTemp

Analysis software