Acoustic Analysis Software NoiseImage
NoiseImage sound analysis software is a general-purpose platform software providing all tools required for the whole measurement and analysis process. You can use the core package on its own or expand its functionality with any combination of add-on modules for different acoustic measurement types or analysis methods. The add-on modules connect seamlessly via one integrated software environment. You can combine as many expansion modules as you need.
Pooled with R&D staff of more than 25 specialists, the spectrum of NoiseImage is constantly extended by new features, functions and modules.
- Acquisition and sound analysis of digital and analog signals
- Live preview and real-time analysis capabilities
- Time-, frequency-, rotational speed-, or location-selective analysis methods
- Numerous advanced post processing algorithms
Plug-in Concept
Our acoustic analysis software is based on a plug-in concept: Extending the basic module, every functional plug-in brings along its own graphical interface and its own tools. You can decide which functions you really need and can thus arrange a tailor-made software system.
Acoustic Imaging 2D
To generate acoustic images from Acoustic Camera measurement data the powerful software suite NoiseImage uses sophisticated algorithms which are a result of gfai tech’s long experience in the field of acoustic imaging. The basic for all of your acoustic imaging analysis is the Acoustic Photo 2D module. Building on that more features like spectral analysis, acoustic movie and correlation analysis can be added to flexibly expand the capabilities of the software suite according to your needs. In addition the Advanced Algorithms module allows for unparalleled dynamics, advanced source identification and extended source separation in your acoustic imaging analysis.
Acoustic Photo 2D
This plug-in enables the quick and precise creation of acoustic photos by integrating over a selected time interval to generate precise acoustic imaging information. Besides precise time-related analysis the Acoustic Photo 2D module is the basis for all further processing.
Module Features
- Sound maps in 2D
- Grayscale and edge-detection photos
- Beamforming in time or frequency domain
- Listening into the acoustic map
- Setting info points in the acoustic map
- Show Lp and Lw values on tooltip
- Photo exports (e. g. jpg, png …)
- Freely adjustable integration time – from µs up to your complete measurement time
- Multi marking of time data
Spectral Analysis
This plug-in allows you to directly generate acoustic images (or movies if combined with the Acoustic Movie module) from a spectrum or spectrogram of your data.
Narrow-band analysis, 1/3 and full octave analysis, spectrum, replay of sound sources and listening to points in the picture are features of this plugin.
A spectrum can be used to display the frequency spectra contained in a time function.
A spectrogram enables the user to display the frequency spectrum of a single channel or the average frequency spectrum of multiple channels over time. Here, sound pressure level (SPL) is displayed in colour codes.
NLS (non-linear spectral dissection after Dahl) is possible in the spectrum as well as in the spectrogram to optimize the visual representation of the frequency information.
A spectrum can be used to display the frequency spectra contained in a time function.
A spectrogram enables the user to display the frequency spectrum of a single channel or the average frequency spectrum of multiple channels over time. Here, sound pressure level (SPL) is displayed in color codes.
NLS (non-linear spectral dissection after Dahl) is possible in the spectrum as well as in the spectrogram.
Module Features
- Broad-band and narrow-band analysis
- 1/3 and full octave analysis
- Replay of sources
- Listening to points or user defined areas in the picture
- Mapping on 2D and 3D as Photo and Video (Movie-on-Movie)
- Logarithmic and linear presentation
- Arbitrary window function
- Block wise averaging
- NLS (non-linear spectral dissection after Dahl)
- Generating acoustic map from spectrum and spectrogram
- Movie on Movie: Acoustic video on optical video
Acoustic Movie
This plug-in allows you to create an acoustic movie out of the data recorded with the Acoustic Camera. This way you can fully benefit from the high sampling rate and can analyze processes which change over time. That includes engine test under different conditions, pass-by measurements or any other type of set-up where your test object or your Acoustic Camera is moving. In post processing you can analyze your data in the recorded speed or adapt it fast forward or slow-motion.
The main use of the Acoustic Movie module is to analyze non-stationary noise sources or to visualize changes over time.
Module Features
- Movie on movie: Acoustic video on optical video
- Audio synchronisation for external high resolution or high speed video applications
- Slow-motion Acoustic Movie (including slow motion sound replay)
- Movie controls for all modules
- Export as .avi with various settings
Advanced Algorithms
The Advanced Algorithms Module holds a wide variety of additional algorithms to improve the quality of your results.
It will help you in increasing the dynamic to find hidden or masked sound sources, it offers algorithms for a higher spatial resolution and sound source separation and holds algorithms to identify the exact locations of sound sources where other methods fail.
Module Features
- Acoustic Eraser: Enables eliminating or isolating sound sources
- High Dynamic Range (HDR): Deconvolution in the time domain. For better contrast/source resolution through sidelobe suppression
- CleanSC: Deconvolution and massive increase of dynamic in frequency domain beamforming
- Correlation Analysis: Correlation filter and correlation function to correlate your acoustic imaging analysis with additional sensors, user-defined sources or files
- Delete autocorrelation: Eliminates the inherent noise of the microphones, increases dynamic range
- Difference Spectra: presents the spectra of two recordings combined in a new window and subtracts the corresponding Spectral Acoustic Photos, thus serving as a tool to display even the smallest changes to the measurement object
- MUSIC Algorithm: for better localization of tonal sound sources and in the low frequency range
- Orthogonal Beamforming: Method for sound source analysis and ranking
- Power Beamforming: A gfai tech unique feature to decrease the complexity in post processing. Power Beamforming works with an easy to use slider to choose the strength of the additionally applied algorithms and it contains a number of beamforming algorithms: Functional beamforming, asymptotic beamforming, inverse functional beamforming and adaptive beamforming for dampening the sidelobes and sharpening the main lobes
- Rotational Beamforming: For analyzing rotating objects, like fans or rotors and to clearly identify the position of the sound sources on the fast moving objects
- RMS & Max peak: RMS (effective value) is the common method to integrate an interval over a chosen time and create the image. The Max peak method allows to see the maximum values in the acoustic map whenever they have occurred during the calculation interval
- Zero Padding: A method to clearly identify the location of highly transient noises or data with a high amount of low frequency content. Zero Padding virtually increases the integration time without adding content
Acoustic Imaging 3D
3D beamforming allows to map acoustic measuring data from the Acoustic Camera on 3D models and therefore literally adds another dimension to sound source localization. In postprocessing or while measuring the 3D model and the three-dimensional acoustic picture from the Acoustic Camera are matched using the intuitive and fast workflow of our own software NoiseImage. Any 3D model can be added to the measurement data in NoiseImage, regardless if it was created using CAD software or scanned with a laser scanner. When using gfai tech’s patented 3D acoustic imaging solution Dynabeam the 3D model and the acoustic picture are created in the same workflow eliminating the need to acquire the 3D model separately.
Our patented solution generates a 3D model while measuring the acoustic emissions at the same time. Different array positions are considered to virtually increase the channel count, reduce artefacts and raise the dynamic. Measurement positions and distances are automatically extracted from the derived scan trajectory, allowing an instant combination without any additional tracking devices or fitting requirements.
The full NoiseImage post processing functionality is directly employable allowing you to focus on your acoustic analysis. The result shows a highly dynamic acoustic image mapped on a detailed 3D model. Considering different scan directions, the main emission directivity is optionally visualized via arrows.
Module Features
- Combined 3D measurement of geometry and acoustic emissions
- Quick setup, mobile measurement and analysis
- Precise results in 3D with enhanced acoustic dynamic and reduced artefacts
- Microphone array positions automatically extracted from scan trajectory – no additional setup or tracking devices are necessary
- Virtual increase of channel count
- True to scale 3D model export to common file formats
- Quick interpretation of complex sound emission directivity patterns
- Upgradeable from any gfai tech Acoustic Camera
Acoustic Photo 3D
The NoiseImage software module Acoustic Photo 3D allows you to add another dimension to your analysis. Mapping your data in on any 3D model, either for interior measurements of all kinds or for analysing complex structures from the outside. The patented algorithm for fitting measurement object and array delivers quick and precise results. All the well-known and proved features of NoiseImage can be used with the 3D option and you can optimize your beamforming results like you are used to. One key advantage of 3D beamforming is that the acoustic images are calculated based on the distances between microphone array and meshes / points hence the calculation takes several focus layers into account. That way beamforming in 360° around the array is possible. Furthermore single or multi array measurements of any object from the outside mapped on a 3D model will be more precise.
Module Features
- Acoustic mapping on 3D models (triangle meshes and point clouds)
- All time and frequency domain beamforming options
- Show Lp and Lw values on tooltip
- Load 3D models (*.3ds *.asc *.cnk *.fls *.igs *.obj *.ply *.stl *.wrl)
- 3D export
- Mesh resampling
- Freely adaptable 3D acoustic resolution
- Photo exports (e.g. *.jpg, *.png, …)
- Additional features:
– Load IGES 3D models Triangulate point clouds
– Basic editing functionalities (mark & invert, cut triangle meshes or point clouds)
– Manual acoustic resolution |
Advanced Algorithms
The NoiseImage module Advanced Algorithms holds all its features ready for the 3D analysis and allows you to optimize your results. Due to the several focus layers which are taken into account you can expect better results for scenarios with sound sources in different distances.
Module Features
- Acoustic Eraser: Enables eliminating or isolating sound sources
- High Dynamic Range (HDR): Deconvolution in the time domain. For better contrast/source resolution through sidelobe suppression
- CleanSC: Deconvolution and massive increase of dynamic in frequency domain beamforming
- Correlation Analysis: Correlation filter and correlation function to correlate your acoustic imaging analysis with additional sensors, user-defined sources or files
- Delete autocorrelation: Eliminates the inherent noise of the microphones, increases dynamic range
- Difference Spectra: presents the spectra of two recordings combined in a new window and subtracts the corresponding Spectral Acoustic Photos, thus serving as a tool to display even the smallest changes to the measurement object
- MUSIC Algorithm: for better localization of tonal sound sources and in the low frequency range
- Orthogonal Beamforming: Method for sound source analysis and ranking
- Power Beamforming: A gfai tech unique feature to decrease the complexity in post processing. Power Beamforming works with an easy to use slider to choose the strength of the additionally applied algorithms and it contains a number of beamforming algorithms: Functional beamforming, asymptotic beamforming, inverse functional beamforming and adaptive beamforming for dampening the sidelobes and sharpening the main lobes
- Rotational Beamforming: For analyzing rotating objects, like fans or rotors and to clearly identify the position of the sound sources on the fast moving objects
- RMS & Max peak: RMS (effective value) is the common method to integrate an interval over a chosen time and create the image. The Max peak method allows to see the maximum values in the acoustic map whenever they have occurred during the calculation interval
- Zero Padding: A method to clearly identify the location of highly transient noises or data with a high amount of low frequency content. Zero Padding virtually increases the integration time without adding content
Special Applications
Apart from its fast and intuitive user interface the biggest strength of gfai tech’s powerful software suite NoiseImage is its completely modular structure and easy scalability. Not only standard acoustic imaging scenarios like two-dimensional acoustic pictures are supported but also more specialized analysis workflows like acoustic nearfield and holography, pass-by measurements of vehicles, acoustic imaging of vehicles in the wind tunnel, order analysis and psychoacoustics. NoiseImage can be expanded with any combination of these specialized modules allowing you to individually put together your own solution for acoustic imaging according to your needs.
Near Field
This module is required for the usage of the intensity or holography methods (HELS and SONAH). It creates images of sound intensity, sound pressure or particle velocity. The Near Field module closes the gap to mapping of low frequencies without applying big microphone arrays.
Module Features
- Holography – mapping of sound intensity, sound pressure and particle velocity
- Intensity – acoustic mapping of sound intensity
- Phase representation of complex values
The PassBy module optimizes any pass-by measurement and is especially designed for long vehicles like trucks or trains. With a simple one-shot measurement the acoustic and optical data is captured. The pass-by algorithms generate a panoramic image of the complete object (trains of several hundred meters) and the acoustic data is mapped on the full vehicle for instant analysis of the complete object. Besides the panoramic image the vehicle speed is calculated and the acoustic data is cleaned of the doppler effect to eliminate frequency shifts. It is a robust algorithm designed for measurements on the field hence it compensates any array rotation.
Module Features
- Acoustic map in 2D of the whole vehicle (optimized for fast pass-by of trains)
- Generation of a panoramic image based on the recorded video
- Automatic Doppler correction
- Compensation of a possible array rotation
- Calculation of the speed profile as well as the entry and exit times of the vehicle
- Grayscale and edge detection photos
- Beamforming in the frequency domain
- Photo exports (e.g. .jpg, .png, ….)
- Requires a Baumer camera with global shutter
Wind Tunnel
As the driver’s and passenger’s comfort even at high speeds play a crucial role in the automotive industry it becomes more important to acoustically optimize vehicles in regard of the noise induced by wind. Modern aero-acoustic wind tunnels allow for acoustic tests at high speeds and as highest quality and precision is demanded by the automotive companies gfai tech took a huge step in setting new standards for acoustic imaging in wind tunnels. More than 20 years of experience in the field and many successful cooperations with different car manufacturers lead to state of the art hard- and software. Customized array design, high channel counts and a number of optimized algorithms guarantee the best possible results for acoustic imaging in wind tunnels. Due to the adjustable hard ware our solution is not limited to the automotive area and the aerospace and transport industry is already successfully applying our systems. The NoiseImage Wind Tunnel module holds all the wind tunnel specific algorithms as a basis for your analysis of data acquired in the wind tunnel.
Module Features
- Shear layer correction
- Wind speed correction
- Space and amplitude correction of sources inside the shear layer
- Measurements of vehicles under different angles
- Combination with all other NoiseImage features
- Optimized 3D mapping in combination with the NoiseImage 3D module
Example of Use:
- Wind tunnel measurements for automotive, aerospace and other transport areas
- Variant analyses in product development
Psychoacoustics / Sound Quality
Psychoacoustic parameters like loudness, sharpness, tonality or roughness are important quantifications to better describe sound in relation to the human perception.
So far those values have only been used for abstract analysis of signals. With the NoiseImage module Psychoacoustic you can combine that information with acoustic imaging and actually generate acoustic maps based on the most important quantities. This provides a powerful tool for enhancement of sound quality and efficient noise reduction especially in relation to the user perception.
Module Features
- Computation of loudness, sharpness, roughness and tonality
- Mapping of loudness, sharpness, roughness
Examples of Use:
- Optimization of psychoacoustic sound quality
Order Analysis
For working with rotating movement, Order Analysis allows the detection of angular velocities and therefore is an alternative to the classical beamforming transformation. The key advantage is that speed-dependent signal components retain their position in the order spectrum even if the rotational speed is changing. Order and frequency cursors and order filtering enable even further analyses of rotating equipment. The NoiseImage module Order Analysis allows you to combine your standard order analysis with instant acoustic mapping.
Module Features
- Order Spectrum
- Ordergram
- Changing of reference-values between orders / time / rpm
- Order Photo 2D/3D: Acoustic Photos from Order Spectrum/ Ordergram
- Order Movie: Acoustic Movies from Order Spectrum/ Ordergram
- Order-line in spectrogram/ frequency-line in ordergram
Example of Use:
- Rotating ojects
- Engine analysis
General Module
Powerful but scalable – our comprehensive software suite NoiseImage consists of various modules for your acoustic analysis needs. Each module covers an important field of features for your acoustic analysis. Only the basic module is required for operation of the Acoustic Camera. Further modules can be added to create a tailor-made software solution for your individual acoustic analysis requirements. The user interface has been designed especially for easy and fast analysis workflows. New users can intuitively create conclusive results with only a few mouse clicks, while at the same time experienced experts find all the features required for specialized and sophisticated acoustic analyses. In short NoiseImage is the ideal solution for acoustic analysis that always fits your needs.
Basic Modul
With the Basic module you can create spectrums and spectrograms from recorded data. You can analyse time data and apply different filters. Extending the basis module, different modules for additional functionality are available for your application. The software is available in English, German and Chinese.
Basic Features:
- Channel view and level view
- Spectrum and spectrogram
- GPU Computing
Project Manager
This plug-in organizes batch runs for analyses and exports as well as scheduling measurement series to be calculated at a given (later) time. If you have a lot of measurement objects that need to be measured and analyzed the Project Manager offers the most efficient way to organize and schedule your recordings and calculations.
This module is especially effective in case of complex calculations like Acoustic Photo 3D, Order Analysis or when applying advanced algorithms like HDR or CLEAN SC.
Module Features:
- Batch runs of calculations
- Batch runs of measurements
- Batch runs of exports
- PowerPoint Export
Examples of use
- Analysis of long measurement times
- Beamforming 3D with complex 3D models
- Order Analysis
- Advanced Algorithms like correlation analysis, applying several additional algorithms or long integration times